Destiny: la nuova patch aggiunge slot per le Taglie e migliora la chat vocale

L'ultimo update di Destiny propostoci da Bungie prepara il terreno per l'arrivo dell'espansione L'Oscurità dal Profondo e delle sfide dello Stendardo di Ferro
Destiny: la nuova patch aggiunge slot per le Taglie e migliora la chat vocale
L'ultimo update di Destiny propostoci da Bungie prepara il terreno per l'arrivo dell'espansione L'Oscurità dal Profondo e delle sfide dello Stendardo di Ferro

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Dopo essersi lasciati sfuggire delle indiscrezioni relative allo sviluppo del secondo capitolo di Destiny, i ragazzi di Bungie dimostrano di voler continuare a supportare attivamente l’episodio originario della loro ultima fatica sci-fi pubblicando in queste ore una nuova patch che porta il titolo alla versione 1.0.3 e introduce tutta una serie di miglioramenti e ottimizzazioni.

Tra le righe di codice di questo generoso update da ben 2.44 GB, infatti, è possibile trovare delle funzionalità inedite per la chat vocale estesa ai giocatori non presenti nella propria squadra, ma anche degli importanti interventi correlati alle mappe multiplayer, alla difficoltà delle missioni Assalto e al quantitativo di Taglie accettabili contemporaneamente dal nostro Guardiano (che passano da 5 a 10).

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Non meno importanti degli interventi appena citati troviamo poi gli aggiornamenti propedeutici all’approdo delle nuove sfide dello Stendardo di Ferro (con “modalità di ingaggio” riviste e corrette sulla scorta delle indicazioni fornite dagli appassionati) e, soprattutto, delle missioni e delle aree esclusive che ci verranno proposte da Bungie con il DLC de “L’Oscurità dal Profondo“.

L’Espansione I di Destiny, L’Oscurità dal Profondo, sarà disponibile a partire dal 9 dicembre su PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One, diversamente dalle sfide del “nuovo” Stendardo di Ferro, per le quali bisognerà attendere solo fino alla fine di questo mese. In chiusura d’articolo, vi lasciamo quindi alla lista completa (in inglese) degli interventi apportati da Bungie con l’aggiornamento 1.0.3 di Destiny:

  • Voice
  • Added a new social feature that enables users to access a channel for Team Chat
    Matchmade teammates will now be able to talk to each other in Strikes and team-based Crucible matches
    To learn more about how to toggle between chat channels, click here

  • Classes
  • Fixed an issue in which two players who performed a melee lunge simultaneously would teleport through each other
    Fixed an issue in which Blink Strike damage would be caused by colliding with the Blink Strike, rather than melee impact
    Fixed an issue in which Warlock Bonds dismantled into Titan materials

  • Weapons
  • General

    Reduced camera shake when being hit with explosive rounds


    Clown Cartridge: Replaced Clown Cartridge perk with other perks in shotgun upgrade trees
    Headseeker: Fixed an issue in which the bonus Precision Damage perk did not always get applied

  • Activities
  • Missions

    Buried City: Fixed an exploit in Mars that would clear all enemies from Clovis Bray


    Winter’s Run: Fixed an exploit zone in the Aksor boss encounter
    Difficulty will scale less for 3-player Fireteams, making Strikes less deadly for them


    Fixed an issue in which engrams earned during Daily and Weekly Heroic activities were not displayed in the post-game carnage report

  • Event: Iron Banner
  • Players must now be level 20 and above to lead an Iron Banner Fireteam
    Players below Level 20 can only accompany players above Level 20
    Lord Saladin now has 5 reputation ranks (increased from 3)
    New Features Added: Tempered Buff, Reforging
    For more detailed information, click here

  • Cinematics
  • Fixed several issues with the synchronization of cinematic subtitles in various languages

  • Destinations
  • Combatants

    Fixed an issue in which Vex Cyclops and Hive Shrieker health bars would not update properly
    Reduced the number of Stealth Sword Vandals that spawn in the basement of the Terrestrial Complex on lower difficulties


    Public Events will occur 10-15% more frequently in all public spaces

  • Vendors
  • Increased the number of Bounty slots in the Inventory from 5 to 10
    Added shaders to Eva Levante’s stock in the Tower
    Shader preview functionality added to vendor and inventory screens
    Emblems on vendors can now be previewed in the inventory screen
    Marks and Reputation icons and meters were adjusted to better differentiate the two
    Fixed an issue in which Strange Coins and Motes of Light would not route to the Postmaster if your inventory was full
    Fixed an issue in which engrams were not displaying the possible contents in the Cryptarch vendor menu
    Fixed an issue in which players did not receive Bounty or Mission credit when assisting in the killing of a Walker or Vex Cyclops
    Armor Stat upgrade potentials added to item compare on vendor and inventory screens

  • PVP
  • General

    Enabled revive scoring for Skirmish and Salvage
    Fixed an exploit with revive scoring when entering a kill volume and having a teammate revive you for easy points
    Adjusted Join in-Progress settings for all playlists to minimize long periods of unbalanced teams due to players quitting out of matches.
    Added new functionality to match pre-formed fireteams against each other
    This will slowly roll out to all playlists over time, but will start with the 3v3 playlists
    In 3v3 games, Fireteams of 2 or more players will match together more frequently
    In 6v6 games, Fireteams of 4 or more players will match together more frequently


    Won’t Be Beat now triggers correctly when a team wins a game after coming back from a 500-point losing deficit
    Mark of the Unbroken no longer requires a minimum player count
    Sum of All Tears no longer requires a minimum player count
    Sum of All Tears should now trigger consistently

  • Maps
  • First Light

    Implemented multiple fixes to stop players from getting into advantageous positions

    Blind Watch

    Addressed some balancing issues for the Control gametype by moving Zones, modifying routes, and adding cover objects
    Adjusted landing and respawn points to accommodate new geometry changes

    Added protection to prevent players from getting on top of a pipe high above the intended playable space

    Firebase Delphi

    Added protections to prevent players from getting outside the intended playable area between Control Zone A and the crane room

    Rusted Lands

    Blocked off the monitors above Control Zone A to prevent players from hiding in them

    Shores of Time

    Added a Vex pillar to prevent players from sniping through the small gap on the ninja platform
    Implemented multiple fixes to stop players from getting into unfairly-advantageous positions

    Exodus Blue

    Multiple fixes implemented to stop players from getting into advantageous positions, especially the giant hose reel near Control Zone A
    Fixed an issue with visibility culling behind Control Zone A

    Twilight Gap

    Adjusted landing points to keep players from fighting too soon in Rumble matches
    Added protections to prevent players from getting into unintended areas, for example, atop the security camera at Control Zone C
    Added geometry to fill in small gaps that let players see out of the world

  • HUD
  • Improved the readability of Grenade and Melee recharge states
    Improved the visibility of objectives in the Motion Tracker
    Improved the visual look of Revive waypoint and Last Man Standing
    Added skull modifier descriptions to the Navigation Mode screen
    Fixed an issue in which the names of downed teammates did not always display on-screen

  • Orbit
  • Destiny version number added to the Character Login screen
    Added dialog imagery for various events
    Fixed an issue in which new items available from the Special Orders vendor would not show up in the message count in the Director
    Fixed an issue in which a PlayStation Plus dialog was mistakenly shown when selecting a specific PVP activity
    Added countdown timers for weekly/special events
    Fixed various issues with Director animations
    Fixed an issue in which the Player/Inventory screen would sometimes close during certain parts of the spaceflight sequence
    Added the post-game carnage report for the previous games during Matchmaking search

  • Menus
  • General

    Fixed an issue in which cursor speed in 4:3 and PAL was not consistent


    Network Connection Quality Indicators now added to the Roster
    New icons added to the scoreboard and roster to indicate voice problems due to connection issues (NAT issues)
    Added support for direct fireteam joins from the roster on the Xbox One


    Updated Spinmetal, Relic Iron, and Helium Filaments icons to better represent in-game visuals
    Fixed and updated several inventory icons
    Fixed and updated several talent tree icons

  • Audio
  • Improved audio cues for sticking others and being stuck with certain Grenades
    Fixed an issue in which an audio cue would not play when completing a Bounty
    Fixed an issue in which “Guardian down!” referenced the wrong gender in French, Spanish, and Portuguese

  • Technical
  • Added the ability for the Bungie DOC to send in-game alerts and messages
    Fixed stability issues across all platforms
    Fixed an issue that would cause a rare crash during space flight into activities
    Improved patch installation process
    Implemented PS3-specific performance optimizations
    Fixed some issues causing beetle and lionfish Kicks to Orbit

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